Why Santa Gertrudis?
- Santa Gertrudis is the oldest officially-recognized beef breed in America! The breed was properly registered by the US authorities back in 1940.
- Cows have long and productive lives! They reach sexual maturity and begin mating at around 12-14 months, and can often continue to calve into their 18th year. This reduces the need for herd replacements.
- Santa Gertrudis cattle remain quite healthy, even in scorching climates! Their thick skin reduces the risk of parasitic infestation, and their active sweat glands allow them to stay cool, meaning their nutritional needs are not affected too much by extreme conditions. However, that thick skin can also keep them well-insulated in cold climates!
- They’re known to be very fertile, and bulls are described by many to be ‘athletic’ sires! It’s important to always be cautious around all bulls, regardless of breed.
- Santa Gertrudis cattle also produce great carcasses with low waste materials and plenty of eye muscle. Some studies have found that the breed has the best feed conversion ratio compared to other beef breeds, and their dress-out percentage is usually around 65%.